[eepro100] EEPro100 on Intel D815AAEEL Motherboard

Vann H. Walke walke@usna.edu
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 20:05:38 -0500

  Hopefully someone from the list will give you a more complete answer 
shortly - Here is my limited knowledge of the situation:

I just setup RH7 on a Micron ClientPro with the D815EEA motherboard.  
Like you, I couldn't get RH7 to recognize the network card.  I 
downloaded and installed the latest netdriver package (SRPM) maintained 
by Donald Becker:


This got everything working, but periodically the system would hang hard 
(reboot required).  This seems to be the same problem others are having 
(see recent messages on the list).  As I needed the computer for work, I 
just yanked a $20 linksys card out of one of my old computers.  Since 
then I've had no problems.

Supossedly Intel has a driver but I couldn't find it on the web site.  I 
trust the open source and kernel developers a bit more to make good 
drivers anyway.

Good Luck,

LT V. H. Walke
USNA Computer Science