[eepro100] ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found and action taken.

System Attendant f5-exchange3-sa@f5.com
Fri Dec 14 05:13:01 2001

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Content-Type: text/plain

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has detected virus-infected attachment(s).

Sender = _david.herring@micromuse.com
Recipient(s) = eepro100@scyld.com
Subject = [eepro100] Re:
Scanning Time = 12/14/2001 02:12:02

Action on virus found:
The attachment stuff.MP3.pif matched file blocking settings. ScanMail has Deleted it. 

Warning to recipient. ScanMail detected a virus in an email attachment.

Content-Type: text/html

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2653.12">
<TITLE>ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found and action taken.</TITLE>

<P><FONT SIZE=2>ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has detected virus-infected attachment(s).</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=2>Sender = _david.herring@micromuse.com</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Recipient(s) = eepro100@scyld.com</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Subject = [eepro100] Re:</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Scanning Time = 12/14/2001 02:12:02</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=2>Action on virus found:</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>The attachment stuff.MP3.pif matched file blocking settings. ScanMail has Deleted it. </FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=2>Warning to recipient. ScanMail detected a virus in an email attachment.</FONT>
