FYI: 2.0.38 hangs with BIOS-Option wake on lan enabled

Frank Schmirler
Thu Apr 27 08:34:30 2000


just in case it helps to improove the driver: When the "Wake on LAN"
option is enabled, the complete linux-box hangs as soon as the first
IP-Packet leaves the interface (2.0.38). With 2.0.36 everything is fine.
I noticed several changes of the driver in 2.0.37 so this fact might be
interesting for you. Might be a buggy BIOS as well, as changing to
an older version also solved the problem. Here is what I was using:

BIOS-Version: W6165MS V1.3 (downgrading to V1.2 solved the problem)
Board: MSI 6165 V1.0

Frank Schmirler                 
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