Fast EtherChanneling with Intel 82557's

Roman Hochleitner
Wed Apr 5 11:34:53 2000


We are small group of volunteers at the Vienna University
of Technology providing a diskless linux client service
for students as an alternative to Win*.
Naturally our servers tend to have quite a very high 
network load, because all the filesystems for the clients
are mounted via nfs. We are limited by the network resources
that are provided to us, which are 100Mbit/s.

We have a huge V-Lan with 10Mbit/s diskless clients (about
250 machines). The Cisco switches would support Fast 
Etherchannel technology. Our high network load could be 
decreased using that method of load balancing.

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be supported until now
in the linux kernel.

How are the chances that this will eventually be supported
in future releases? Are there any technical limitations, or
missing specification issues that need to be resolved?
Any licensing problems? 
Or is it just because of lack of interest or time?

Is there any other form of channel bonding that might be
applicable in our case? 

Any help or status information on these issues will be
greatly appreciated!

best regards, 
student at the Vienna University of Technology AUSTRIA

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