eepro100 Transmit timeouts - time to cut my losses?

Dr Mark Hagger
Mon Sep 13 06:29:22 1999

On Thu, 09 Sep 1999, Brian E. Bothwell wrote:
> Hi, I have a Intel PCI EtherExpress Pro100 (Intel 82557), and am
> some problems with it that seem to be very similar to those others
> reported. I am about at wits end, and I am dead meat if I don't get

Well I've now tried just about all versions of the eepro100 driver that
I can
get my hands on, but sadly everything I have tried has ended with the
machine spewing out continuous "Transmit timed out..." messages.

I too am starting to think that I may have to ditch these network cards
favour of something that works (I should have been more suspicious
aboout this
card from Donald's "(this card was apparently) ... designed on another
comments in the header of the driver code).

Since I have 32 of these cards I'm not entirely happy about this
solution, I
would have to persuade those who control the budgets to release some
But frankly I can't see any other realistic solution.  At the moment I
run any significant jobs without bringing at least one of the machines
to its

Any suggestions to cards that do work under heavy network load will be
gratefully received.


Mark Hagger                                Tel: 01305 212803
DERA Winfrith, Winfrith Technology Centre  Fax: 01305 212103
Winfrith, Dorset, DT2 8XJ, UK              Email: