[eepro100-bug] eepro timeout on RH 7.2
Dave Pitts
Mon Dec 17 18:06:01 2001
I'm getting Timeout errors running under RH7.2. The system is an IBM
ThinkPad A30p running
at 1.2 Ghz. Could there be some sort of timming issue? Or could the card
be bad? I downloaded
the diag program and it suggested that I run it with "-G 0 -w -w -f"
parms. The driver still
gets timeout like:
Dec 17 13:32:28 coach kernel: eepro100: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!
Any ideas? Please respond to my e-mail address.
Thanks in advance.
Dave Pitts PULLMAN: Travel and sleep in safety and comfort.
dpitts@cozx.com My other RV IS a Pullman (Colorado Pine).