[Beowulf] Project Heron at the Sanger Institute

Jörg Saßmannshausen sassy-work at sassy.formativ.net
Wed Feb 3 18:23:33 UTC 2021

Hi John,

interesting stuff and good reading. 

For the IT interests on here: these sequencing machine are chucking out large 
amount of data per day. The project I am involved in can chew out 400 GB or so 
on raw data per day. That is a small machine. That then needs to be processed 
before you actually can analyze it. So there is quite some data movement etc 
involved here. 

All the best


Am Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2021, 14:06:36 GMT schrieb John Hearns:
> https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/03/europe/tracing-uk-variant-origins-gbr-int
> l/index.html
> Dressed in white lab coats and surgical masks, staff here scurry from
> machine to machine -- robots and giant computers that are so heavy, they're
> placed on solid steel plates to support their weight.
> Heavy metal!

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