[Beowulf] perl with OpenMPI gotcha?
Joe Landman
joe.landman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 13:58:10 PST 2020
On 11/20/20 4:43 PM, David Mathog wrote:
> Also, searching turned up very little information on using MPI with perl.
> (Lots on using MPI with other languages of course.)
> The Parallel::MPI::Simple module is itself almost a decade old.
> We have a batch manager but I would prefer not to use it in this case.
> Is there some library/method other than MPI which people typically use
> these days for this sort of compute cluster process control with Perl
> from the head node?
I can't say I've ever used Perl and MPI. I suppose it is doable, but if
you were doing it, I'd recommend encapsulating it with FFI::Platypus
This however, doesn't seem tp be your problem per se. Your problem
sounds like "how do I launch a script on N compute nodes at once, and
wait for it to complete".
If I have that correct, then you want to learn about pdsh
(https://github.com/chaos/pdsh and info here:
I write most of my admin scripts in perl, and you can use pdsh as a
function within them.
However ...
MCE::Loop is your friend.
Combine that with something like this:
$mounts=`ssh -o ConnectTimeout=20 $node grep o2ib /proc/mounts`;
and you can get pdsh-like control directly in Perl without invoking pdsh.
The general template looks like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use MCE::Loop;
max_workers => 25, chunk_size => 1
my $nfile=shift;
# grab file contents into @nodes array
my @nodes;
chomp(@nodes = split(/\n/,`cat $nfile`));
# looping over nodes, max_workers at a time
mce_loop {
my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
# do stuff to node $_
} @nodes;
This will run 25 copies (max_workers) of the loop body over the @nodes
array. Incorporate the ssh bit above in the #do stuff area, and you get
basically what I think you are asking for.
FWIW, I've been using this pattern for a few years, most recently on
large supers over the past few months.
> Thanks,
> David Mathog
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Joe Landman
e: joe.landman at gmail.com
t: @hpcjoe
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