[Beowulf] Suggestions to what DFS to use

Joe Landman joe.landman at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 17:31:09 PST 2017

On 02/14/2017 08:02 PM, Bogdan Costescu wrote:
> I can second the recommendation for BeeGFS. We have it in use for ~4
> years with very good results, by now on 3 different FSes. We also run

I'll freely admit to being biased here, but BeeGFS is definitely 
something you should be evaluating/using.  Even for this case, with 
HDFS, there is a connector:


We've had excellent results with BeeGFS on spinning rust:

and the same system at the customer site


(look closely at the plot, and note the vertical axes ... I had messed 
up the scale on it, but that is in thousands of MB/s).

as well as with an NVMe unit


Excellent performance, ease of configuration is what you should expect 
from BeeGFS.

Joe Landman
e: joe.landman at gmail.com
t: @hpcjoe
c: +1 734 612 4615
w: https://scalability.org

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