[Beowulf] [hpc-announce] (corrected) Cluster 2013 Call for Participation - Papers Deadline extended

Ping, Robert James robping at indiana.edu
Fri May 17 14:26:14 PDT 2013

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IEEE Cluster 2013
September 23-27, 2013
Indianapolis, Indiana, US


Please see below for information regarding Tutorials, Papers, Posters, Panels, Visualization Showcase, Workshops and Birds of a Feather submissions for IEEE Cluster 2013.  Papers Track due date has been extended to May 25, 2013?.see below.

The deadline for IEEE Cluster 2013 submissions in the Tutorials track is May 18, 2013.
The first day of Cluster 2013 is reserved for tutorials. Half- and full-day tutorials provide in-depth training on effectively managing or using cluster resources and services.

Presenters will receive an honorarium.  Topics may cover a broad range of expertise and topics ? including security, cluster management, file systems, gateways, visualization, grid environments, data-intensive science, data management, maximizing productivity, computational science, parallel programming, optimization, systems management, the allocations process, and writing proposals.

Dhabaleswar Panda
Cluster 2013 Tutorials Chair
Ohio State University
panda at cse.ohio-state.edu<http://cse.ohio-state.edu/>

The deadline for IEEE Cluster 2013 submission in the Panels and Papers tracks has been extended to May 25, 2013.

Technical Papers, EOT, and Student Research Papers

Best Paper Awards. Starting with Cluster 2013, the ?Mark Baker Best Student Paper Award,? newly instituted by the IEEE Cluster advisory committee, will honor outstanding student work in memory of Mark Baker. There will also be best paper and best poster awards.


Nicholas "Nick" Cardo
Cluster 2013 Papers Chair
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
President, Cray User Group Board of Directors
npcardo at lbl.gov<http://ucar.edu/>

Henry Neeman
Cluster 2013 EOT Chair
Oklahoma University Supercomputing Center for Education and Research (SCER)
hneeman at ou.edu<http://ou.edu/>

Panel sessions will provide opportunities to engage in expert discussions on topics critical to the role of clusters in cyberinfrastructure strategy.
Proposals should describe why the topic is timely and relevant to Cluster 2013, and why panelists are well qualified to facilitate a lively, interesting, and informative discussion.Please include a proposed duration (90 minutes is the suggested default), with one-third of the total time allocated for discussion ? and be sure to provide a list of potential panelists.

Amy Apon
Cluster 2013 Panels Co-Chair
Clemson University
aapon at clemson.edu<http://clemson.edu/>

Phil Papadopolous
Cluster 2013 Panels Co-Chair
San Diego Supercomputing Center, UCSD
phil at sdsc.edu<http://sdsc.edu/>

The deadline for Cluster 2013 submissions in the Posters, Visualization Showcase, Workshops, Birds of a Feather tracks is July 15, 2013.

Please present new results or promising work in progress concerning the use of clusters.
Student Posters. Students are invited to submit posters demonstrating how they use clusters (including models, simulations, and visualizations) to solve science, engineering, or math problems, or posters depicting new advances in cluster management and programming technology. Awards will recognize the best poster in the high school, undergraduate, and graduate categories. (Please indicate Student Poster in submission.)

Honors include Best Poster, as well as Best Student Poster in the high school, undergraduate, and graduate categories.

Greg Newby
Cluster 2013 Posters Chair
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks
gbnewby at alaska.edu<http://alaska.edu/>

Visualization Showcase.
This provides a digital gallery of the powerful, evocative imagery associated with IEEE Cluster's most exciting and compelling results.  Submissions should have used cluster resources to generate data, produce the visualization, or both, and should be the result of work accomplished within the last year.  Please include images/animations with your abstract.

Margaret Dolinsky
Cluster 2013 Visualizations Showcase Chair
Indiana University
mdolinsky at indiana.edu<http://indiana.edu/>

Birds of a Feather (BoF).
BOF sessions are intended to engage attendees in exciting, informal, interactive gatherings devoted to forward-looking topics drawn from the conference.

Cluster 2013's final day is reserved for topical workshops arranged by participants who wish to share information on projects they are leading. These synergistic workshops leverage the availability of participants, economizing travel funds to aid projects in areas related to cluster computing and its applications.

D.F. "Rick" McMullen
Cluster 2013 Workshops and Birds of a Feather Chair
Arkansas High Performance Computing Center
dfmcmull at uark.edu<http://uark.edu>

Robert Ping
Manager, Education and Outreach
in the Collaboration and Engagement Support Group
UITS Research Technologies
Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute

robping at indiana.edu<mailto:robping at indiana.edu>

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