[Beowulf] [hpc-announce] Invitation to submit papers to IJCSE

Kuan-Ching Li kuancli at pu.edu.tw
Fri Mar 22 18:29:22 PDT 2013

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Dear colleagues and friends,

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) is a
refereed international journal providing an international forum to report,
discuss and exchange experimental results, novel designs, work-in-progress,
experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in all areas of computer
science and computational science and engineering.

Papers should be of a quality that represents the state of the art
in the field, bringing together the latest computing advances for
scientific and engineering research, applications, and education,
also stimulating future trends. IJCSE is abstracted and indexed in EI
Compendex, ACM Guide to Computing Literature, Computer and Information
Systems, Computer Database, Engineered Materials Abstracts, Google Scholar,
Pascal, Scirus and Scopus.

We are writing to invite you to submit an original and unpublished paper in
all aspects of computer science and computational science and engineering.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Scientific and engineering computing,
- Problem-solving environments,
- Advanced numerical computation and optimization,
- Complex systems: modelling and simulation,
- Parallel and distributed computing,
- Architectures and computation models, compiler, hardware and OS issues,
- Memory system, I/O, tools, programming environment and language supports,
- Performance modelling and evaluation,
- Artificial intelligence,
- Visualization and virtual reality,
- Hardware/software co-design and VLSI support,
- Cluster, Grid, P2P and Cloud computing,
- Education in computational science and engineering,
- Web-based computing and DNA computing,
- Algorithm and system implementation issues, algorithms and complexity
theory, approximation, probabilistic, and randomized algorithms, design and
analysis of algorithms, combinatorial and global optimisation problems,
 - Applications, including: computational fluid dynamics and mechanics,
material sciences, space, weather, climate systems and global changes,
computational environment and energy systems, computational ocean and earth
sciences, combustion system simulation, computational chemistry,
computational physics, bioinformatics and computational biology, medical
applications, transportation systems simulations, structural engineering,
computational electromagnetics, data mining and information retrieval,
computer graphics, virtual reality and multimedia, computational finance,
semiconductor technology, electronic circuits, system design, signal and
image processing, and dynamic systems.

The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic
qualifications, ensuring high scientific standards. For additional
information and paper submission, please see attached flyer and visit

Authors have a number of benefits, including *no page charges*, fast
submission and review process, guaranteed quality - peer review managed by
top editors, sophisticated online and printed presentation with innovative
formats and interactive figures.

Again, please do not hesitate to contact us may you have any question or

Best wishes,

IJCSE Editors

IJCSE Editorial Contact
Email: ijcse.contact at gmail.com
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