[Beowulf] Strange "resume" statements generated for GRUB2

Hearns, John john.hearns at mclaren.com
Mon Jun 10 10:30:53 PDT 2013

> I'm not a SuSE expert so I'm not sure what YaST is doing, but I imagine
> you have to make grub changes via YaST rather than editing the grub
> configs directly.

Mikhail - Suse does use your swap partition for hibernation.

Yes, you should use Yast to alter any settings.
However -sometimes you do just have to get in there by hand!

Just to cheer us all up, and make our skillsets obsolete, Opensuse now uses systemd (Joy!)
and grub2.

In fact it was system which caused me to have to hand hack some grub files.
I moved a hard drive between systems, and for some reason it wouldn't boot up.
If it had been using what Godintended - ie SysV init - it would have stopped somewhere sensible and I could have figured it out.
Instead I got some cryptic 'systemd says no' type error message.
Finally had to boot to a live CD and futz with things.
That's enough though - system moans for another day/thread.

BTW Mikhail, why are you so dead set against cpufreq settings?

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