[Beowulf] I am trying to build a Beowulf cluster for media purposes.

Yazeed Alsaif saifyazeed at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 12:24:23 PST 2013

I hope my email finds the right people who can help me with my question. I
will go straight to the point, I am trying
to build a Linux-based Beowulf cluster which can encode music for me. I am
trying to save time by running an application
that can take advantage of other machines being available to save time, I
want to take a song and then change its extension to a better one (rm-MP3)
with a shorter time than if the application was run on a single machine.

what is worth mentioning is: I have a 5-Core 2 Duo machine connected
together using a unmanaged switch, and I am looking for a Linux based
operating system to achieve my goal.

Thanks for your time.
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