[Beowulf] Confusion about login, non-interactive, interactive shells

Bogdan Costescu bcostescu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 02:30:24 PDT 2012

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Jörg Saßmannshausen
<j.sassmannshausen at ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> $ ssh node4 env | grep PATH
> PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games

env runs on node4, grep runs locally

> $ ssh node4 echo $PATH
> /home/sassy/bin:/usr/local/sge6.2u5/bin/lx24-
> amd64:/opt/openmpi/gfortran/1.4.5/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sod/exe

echo runs on node4

> $ ssh node4 which mpirun

which runs on node4 and doesn't find mpirun

> $ ssh node4 echo $PATH; which mpirun
> /home/sassy/bin:/usr/local/sge6.2u5/bin/lx24-
> amd64:/opt/openmpi/gfortran/1.4.5/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sod/exe
> /opt/openmpi/gfortran/1.4.5/bin/mpirun

echo runs on node4 (and obviously gives the same result as above),
which runs on locally and gives the location of mpirun on the local

So the environment is not set up to find mpirun in PATH on node4. If
/opt is shared among all cluster nodes, an alternative for OpenMPI is
to build it using 'configure --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default', such
that setting up PATH is no longer necessary.

Good luck!

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