[Beowulf] newbie

Tomislav Maric tomislav.maric at gmx.com
Fri May 1 02:54:28 PDT 2009

Thank you for the advice.

I've built OpenFOAM with gcc many times, so this is no longer a problem.
It was at first because OF came with a precompiled binaries of gcc and
the config scripts searched for that binaries. If for some reason the
binaries wouldn't work, a begginer would have to change the config.
scripts, which were a bit confusing since the solver has about 150 MB of
source code. :) In the OpenFOAM-1.5-dev release (the one my mentor
maintains) things are significantly improved.

I'll stick to gcc for now since my main goal is to assemble and
configure a little Beowulf and get it to run simulations as soon as
possible (having in mind the directions from the books, online resources
and the message archive, and the most valued advice from all of you here
:). Later I'll use the trial version of Intel and try and test the

As for  GotoBLAS... OpenFOAM has all the numerical slovers hardcoded:
cholesky, conjugate gradient, amg preconditioning...., all the numerics
needed for simulations. When I get it to run, I'll try and redirect that
work to GotoBLAS routines and test it.

Seems I have a LOT to do. :)


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