[Beowulf] simulating worst case behavior from my cluster. request 8 cpus such that no two are on the same node.

Micha Feigin michf at post.tau.ac.il
Mon Apr 20 15:04:32 PDT 2009

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:46:34 -0500
Rahul Nabar <rpnabar at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to simulate worst-case behavior of a job on our cluster
> where one job would get 8 cpus but one each from a different
> compute-server. Each server has 8cpus.
> How can I do that? Server names: noce01 through node23. Scheduler PBS-Torque
> Super-scheduler MAUI
> Normally I request using:
> #PBS -l nodes=8          #####any 8 cpus
> #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8 ########## 8 cpus on a single server

What about?
#PBS -l nodes=8:ppn=1

> #PBS -l nodes=node17:ppn=8########8 cpus on a specific server node17
> This time I want one each from any 8 servers from the cluster. Without
> blocking the remaining 7 cpus on that node. The nodes are indeed set
> up as shared by default.  Any way to do this?

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