[Beowulf] Repeated Dell SC1435 crash / hang. How to get the vendor to resolve the issue when 20% of the servers fail in first year?

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Mon Apr 6 09:26:00 PDT 2009

2009/4/6 Rahul Nabar <rpnabar at gmail.com>:
> > Just wanting to hear more about how I can best resolve this issue. For
> our future purchases would changing vendors help? Is there any trend
> behind the quality of services from different vendors? I have only
> been exposed to Dell and its frustrating customer-service so far; are
> HP / IBMd or any others better or worse or uncorrelated?

Yeah. SGI is better.

Blade goes pop, or we just even see some errors in a salinfo log.
New blade turns up via DHL from European distribution centre, or SGI
field engineer asks for it to
be held for his collection.
SGI engineer on our doorstep the next day, new blade in, or powerpod
replaced, or whatever. Bob's your Uncle.

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