[Beowulf] Re: Purdue Supercomputer

jitesh dundas jiteshbdundas at gmail.com
Sat May 10 11:12:31 PDT 2008


That sounds like a good option.I have a question about beowulf
clusters.What if you have 1 of the systems in the cluster down or any
network failures.Can make our cluster(2-5 sytems only) work properly.
Also what about geographically distant cluster systems.Say 1 in USA
and other in India.How do we manage our cluster in mishaps or
difficult conditions.
lastly, how about having beowulf cluster systems in space.putting 1 pc
on each planet or celestial body that we want to track and the server
in india.
is linux the best choice in such cases...

Any ideas?

On 5/10/08, Perry E. Metzger <perry at piermont.com> wrote:
> Jim Lux <james.p.lux at jpl.nasa.gov> writes:
>>> I've been wondering why the Canon P-Touch hasn't been mentioned up
>>> until this point. They're great for labeling just about anything in a
>>> machine room...
>> Sure, until you have to label 1000 things in a few hours.
> (BTW, my mistake, it is the BROTHER P-Touch).
> Modern P-Touches have USB interfaces and you can automate the label
> printing, so if you have to label 1000 things and you have a
> reasonable script you can do it.
>> I find it's hard to get the backing peeled off (although my Ptouch
>> doesn't have the little feature that nicks the edge to make it
>> easier).
> I also find that it is pretty easy to get the backing off if you're
> willing to crush a corner a wee bit.
>> Actually, you can order cables already pre numbered and labelled.  Why
>> burn expensive cluster assembler time when you can pay someone
>> (potentially offshore) to do it cheaper.
> If that's cheap enough, sure, sounds like a good deal.  As long as
> you've brought it up, who do you buy pre-numbered and pre-labeled
> cables from?
> Even if you manage that, though, it won't help with labeling cabinets,
> machines, etc. -- I find the labeler gadgets are really useful.
> --
> Perry E. Metzger		perry at piermont.com
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