[Beowulf] Purdue Supercomputer

Matt Lawrence matt at technoronin.com
Sun May 4 09:23:36 PDT 2008

That's going to be  nifty stunt.  Proving that such an install not only 
can be done, it has een done.  Wish I was involved.

Other suggestions:  Make sure you have somebody responsible for the power 
on site, blowing breakers and not being able to fix the problems would be 
embaressing.  Also, make sure you have a really good HVAC person on site 
as well, it would be really bad to cook all of the equipment.

Please post some detailed results, I want to hear what worked really well 
and what had problems (and those solutions).

-- Matt
It's not what I know that counts.
It's what I can remember in time to use.

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