[Beowulf] Big storage

Loic Tortay tortay at cc.in2p3.fr
Thu Sep 13 09:50:55 PDT 2007

According to Peter St. John:
> UGU isn't what it used to be (but neither am I). I'm having trouble finding
> a man page for fsprobe; can you specifiy a flavor of unix?
"fsprobe" is not a standard Unix command.

It's a tool developped by Peter Kelemen from CERN to routinely check
for silent data corruption on disks.

It's very simple and basically just writes data to disk then reads the
data back and compares what was written and read (expecting things to
be identical).

You can find more details there:

| Loïc Tortay <tortay at cc.in2p3.fr> -     IN2P3 Computing Centre     |

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