[Beowulf] Fedora 6 System won't shut down

A Lenzo alenzo at mail.rochester.edu
Fri Jul 27 12:37:47 PDT 2007

Hello all, let me explain the challenge I am facing.  I recently set up 3
machines (1 server and 2 clients) as a Linux Cluster.  The server serves out
NFS and NIS information.  Happily, this works.  But I noticed something
strange on a client machine - this only happens when I log into the client
with a nonlocal userid (ie, one pulled from the NIS server).  When I am
working, everything is fine on such a client node.  But when I shut it down,
it stops with the following errors:

Unmounting pipe file systems OK
Unmounting file systems OK
Halting system...
nfs: server barneysrv not responding, still trying
nfs: server barneysrv not responding, still trying
nfs: server barneysrv not responding, still trying
(it does this forever)

I want to note that my firewall is off on all machines and that I am using
Fedora Core 6.  I suspect that the issue has to do with NIS, but not sure
how.  Everything works except the shutdown.  Has anyone seen this issue
before?  Any advice?

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