[Beowulf] Node not answering...

Nestor Waldyd Alvarez Villa nestor.alvarez at upb.edu.co
Thu Aug 30 08:45:47 PDT 2007


When running the hellow_mpi sample program, the following was prompted:

[waldyd at simeca ~]$ lamnodes
n0      storage.cluster:1:origin,this_node
n1      node02:2:
[waldyd at simeca ~]$ mpirun -np 8 -v a.out
6726 a.out running on n0 (o)
mpirun: cannot start a.out on n1: No such file or directory
[waldyd at simeca ~]$ mpirun -np 8 -v -s n0 a.out
6728 a.out running on n0 (o)
4967 a.out running on n1
4968 a.out running on n1
6729 a.out running on n0 (o)
4969 a.out running on n1
4970 a.out running on n1
6730 a.out running on n0 (o)
4971 a.out running on n1
Hellow, MPI! (3/8)-- simeca.gialea
Hellow, MPI! (0/8)-- simeca.gialea
Hellow, MPI! (6/8)-- simeca.gialea
[waldyd at simeca ~]$

As you can see, node "n1" is not answering. Any ideas about how to solve  
this issue?

Beforehand Thanks...


Nestor Waldyd Alvarez Villa | Ingeniero Investigador | Grupo de  
Investigaciones Ambientales (GIA)
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana | Circular 1 No. 70-01, Bloque 8. Piso  
2. | Medellín, COLOMBIA
Tel: (57) (4) 4159015 Ext. 9841 | (57) (4) 415 90 84 | Fax: (57) (4)  
mailto:nestor.alvarez at upb.edu.co | www.upb.edu.co |  

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