[Beowulf] The Cluster Agenda

Douglas Eadline deadline at clustermonkey.net
Mon Feb 20 08:08:22 PST 2006

Fellow Cluster Types

In the past, you may have seen or read about an effort called
"The Cluster Agenda". While it has had a slow start,
some solid progress has been made over the last six months.
The Agenda initiative has been migrated to a Wiki format
and is available at:


Others and myself have provided a "skeleton" on which to build a
community/industry resource like no other. This is YOUR resource.  No
single person or small group of people can make this initiative  as
successful as a community. I am therefore inviting the community  to
contribute to a shared open resource from which all will benefit.

A more detailed description of the initiative (including rationale) is on
the Agenda Main Page. The elevator pitch is as follows:

What is the Agenda?

 - a road map of best practices for Clustering
 - a discussion of the challenge area facing the

What the Agenda is not.

 - a standards document
 - a buyers guide

Why should I care?

 - The cluster community is vast. Do you know what
   hardware/software/solutions are available or what
   projects could help your efforts?
 - When someone new enters the community, where do they look?
   Where can they find a road map written by those
   "that have been there before?"

There is more discussion on the Agenda pages. Take a look
and contribute. It is actually quite easy.



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