[Beowulf] Win-by-day, Lin-by-night Beowuld cluster

Paulo Ferreira de Sousa ferreiradesousa at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 12:04:59 PDT 2005

Someone last week suggested that I shared with the list the resources
that I have available in order to set up a Win-by-day, Lin-by-night
Beowuld cluster. Here they are:

Room 1
-54 Dell Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 512Mb RAM, 20 Gb Hard drive, Intel Pro 1000
1Gb Adapter
-6 6-port 1Gbit switches
-Room divided by halves for networking suggests that the best solution
is to have two Beowulf clusters each with 24 nodes.

Room 2
-19 Dell Dell Pentium 4 3.6GHz, 1024Mb RAM, 80 Gb Hard drive, Broadcom
1Gb Adapter
-Best solution for this room is to have one Beowulf cluster using the
totality of the available nodes.

Someone mentioned the idea of using Warewulf, which lets you boot the
nodes into Linux diskless. PXE booting a diskless OS leaves the
existent Windows configurations alone, which is something that is
necessary in our labs.

So I was wondering if anyone else has some more input, with the
information about the hardware available.

Thanks for the help!


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