[Beowulf] Platform LSF vs. Beowulf

Dave.Shepherd at Emulex.Com Dave.Shepherd at Emulex.Com
Mon Jan 24 14:08:03 PST 2005

Hello all,


I've been working to convince that powers that be to implementing a
Beowulf Cluster as an addition to LSF. 


Our company is heavy into engineering tools like Synopsys & Cadence that
are single threaded applications. 


Currently an engineer submits a job to LSF. LSF schedules the job and
passes it to another system for execution. The job runs to completion on
another system. This model requires many separate Linux systems
configured and maintained similarly. Different engineers each submit
there jobs to the LSF scheduler.


I believe (and perhaps I am in error), that even with single threaded
applications of the type above, that a Beowulf Cluster would schedule
each separate single threaded application submitted by different
engineers to separate system within the Beowulf cluster. In this model,
the jobs would complete in about the same time as with LSF, but from a
management point of view, I would have to only maintain the Cluster
heads and not many separate independent hosts.


Is there something that I'm not seeing here? 


Can someone tell me if there would or would not be any advantage to
implementing a Beowulf over LSF in this environment? 


Is there anyone that might have a similar environment that could pass
some advice?


Platform also makes an HPC version. But I don't know if that add any
benefit either.


See http://www.platform.com/products/HPC/


Thank you


Dave Shepherd
Network & Systems Engineer


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