[Beowulf] Cluster Novice. I want to know more about user space

Richard Chang richard at hinditron.com
Tue Jan 18 20:42:20 PST 2005

Hi all,
Here is my situation. 

I am really new to clusters and I am assingned the task to learn about it. As maintaining one such cluster will become my bread and butter.

Let me start. I want to know how is a cluster viewed from the Desktop of a User. I have to maintain a LINUX Cluster and Is it same as the user logs in to a Standalone Linux Box. Will he see all the nodes as a whole or can he see all the nodes individually.

Is he going to see only the master node? which perhaps is the only Node connected to the site network and the rest of the Nodes are connected to the master node, thru some internal network not accessable to the site network.

When we login to the Cluster, are we connected to the whole setup or just the master node?.

What happens to the abundant Hard disk space we have in all the other nodes, Can the user use it?. If yes how, coz he is logging into the master node only and how can he access the other nodes. If the hard disk space is only used for scratch, then why do we need a 72Gig Hard drive for that matter?. 

These are some of the issues annoying me. Pls forgive me if I am a little boring and I will be glad if someone can really guide me.


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