[Beowulf] new company, looking for people (fwd from treese at acm.org)

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Mon Feb 14 13:31:18 PST 2005

(I presume a single job announcement in all these years is tolerable).

----- Forwarded message from Win Treese <treese at acm.org> -----


Last fall I joined a startup called SiCortex, where we're building a new
Linux cluster computer. We're ramping up the software team, so if you
know anyone who is really good and looking for something new, let me

Here's the short blurb and some job descriptions; feel free to get in
touch with me for more details. You can pass this along (minus headers,
of course).

   - Win

SiCortex is a new computer company developing a line of Linux cluster
computers for demanding scientific and technical applications. The
company is based in Maynard, Massachusetts.

Senior Software Developers

  Software developers to work on designing, porting, and qualifying a
  Linux-based software stack for technical computing clusters.
  Responsibilities include:

   * Analyzing one or more sub-projects
   * Recommending overall approach (buy, port, build) for sub-project(s)
   * Preparing design and/or implementation plans and schedules for
   * Executing implementation plan for sub-project(s)
   * Executing test and verification strategy for sub-project(s)

  Areas of expertise being sought include:

   * Linux porting, drivers, network stack
   * Parallel file systems
   * Cluster middleware (job scheduling, single system image)
   * Compilers and tools
   * Math and communications libraries
   * Firmware, diagnostics, and system bring-up
   * Technical application analysis and tuning

  Desired skills and experience:

   * 5+ years industry experience in software development
   * Deep knowledge of Linux (preferred) or general Unix
   * Exposure to technical computing
   * Expertise in multiple areas of software development
   * Track record of successful results in small teams

Software Director

  Team leader for group of 8-10 software developers designing, porting,
  and qualifying a Linux-based software stack for technical computing
  clusters. Responsibilities include:

   * Analyzing required work and resources
   * Recruiting and managing team members
   * Qualifying, recommending, and managing potential third-party
     vendors (companies and/or consultants)
   * Preparing and monitoring team schedules
   * Reviewing and managing team results
   * Interfacing with potential and actual customers
   * Technical design and implementation in selected areas

  Software design task encompasses:

   * Linux operating system, including kernel, drivers, and networking
   * Parallel file systems
   * Cluster middleware
   * Compilers and tools
   * Libraries
   * Applications analysis
   * Firmware, diagnostics, and other hardware-related software

  Desired skills and experience:

   * 10+ years software development, with strong background in Linux
     (preferred) or Unix
   * Broad exposure rather than specialist experience in software development
   * Prior experience in software team leadership or management
   * Track record of successful results with constrained resources

  Ideal candidate will have prior exposure to startup environments,
  pragmatic approach to make vs buy decisions, good understanding of
  Open Source environments, and excellent people and leadership skills.

----- End forwarded message -----
Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
ICBM: 48.07078, 11.61144            http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE
http://moleculardevices.org         http://nanomachines.net
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