[Beowulf] OS for 64 bit AMD

Stuart Midgley stuart.midgley at anu.edu.au
Mon Apr 4 21:24:56 PDT 2005

Actually you probably won't need to cut them any slack, PathScale offer 
excellent support - even when you don't pay them anything.  I was only 
using their 30 day trial license.  I would log a bug, expecting the 
automated response and wait.

Within 24hrs (time different between OZ and the US) I would get a real 
person responding saying something like

	"Yeh, we have identified the problem"
	"here is a work-around/patch"
	"this bug will be fixed in version x.yz"
	"until the bug is fixed, we will extend your trial license"
	"if you have any further bugs/issues please don't hesitate to contact 

This sort of response gives you a nice warm fuzzy feeling and makes you 
want to find more bugs :)


> Please remind me to cut PathScale as much slack the next time I'm
> blessed with some of your craftsmanship.
> Ed

   Dr Stuart Midgley                   |  stuart.midgley at anu.edu.au
   Supercomputer Facility              |  smidgley at netspace.net.au
   Leonard Huxley Building 56          |  +61 (0)2 6125 5988   Work
   Australian National University      |  +61 (0)2 6125 8199   Fax
   CANBERRA   ACT   0200               |  +61 (0)4 1125 2488   Mob

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