[Beowulf] Gbe switch comparision
Mikhail Kuzminsky
kus at free.net
Thu Sep 30 11:14:07 PDT 2004
In message from H?kon Bugge <Hakon.Bugge at scali.com> (Thu, 30 Sep 2004
10:33:48 +0200):
>we did a study of two different Gigabit ethernet switches from one
>particular vendor on a 16-node XEON cluster (2.4GHz dual XEON, 400MHz
>FSB, Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5701 Gigabit Ethernet (rev
>15)). We run a number of benchmarks every night on the cluster as
>part of our regression testing for Scali MPI Connect(synthetic,
>application benchmarks and applications). Although we ran on a _very_
>little system, that is not of the fastest these days, we observed
>significant differences. I thought the findings might be of interest
>to the community, not necessarily as a guide to which switch to
>purchase, but merely as a motivation to assess the quality of the
>switches to consider in a purchase.
This data are very interesting. Sorry, what is known about jumbo
frames support by this switches ? BTW, is somewhere available some
comparison of TCP throughput (for example, TCP_STREAM from netperf)
w/jumbo frames enabled vs disabled - for any NICs/switches ?
Mikhail Kuzminsky
Zelisnky Institute of Organic Chemistry
>Best regards, Hakon
>Benchmark Switch A Switch B A/B
>Pnt2pnt (usec - lower is better)
>Ping pong latency 30.9 34.6
>Ping pong bw 128 3.6 3.3
>Ping pong bw 1k 16.8 14.2
>Ping pong bw 1M 116.6 116.4
>All2all 1k 57.57 60.4
>All2all 128k 78.93 79.57
>Barrier latency 139.27 143.9
>Pallas snapshots (usec - lower is better)
>Reduce 4 250.79 268.91 0.933
>Redyce 1M 61241 34575 1.771
>Allreduce 4 167.69 172.39 0.973
>Allreduce 1M 62540 41208 1.518
>Bcast 4 255.23 250.43 1.019
>Bcast 1M 72173 72227 0.999
>Allgather 4 571.33 634.86 0.900
>Allgather 1M 612035 617526 0.991
>Alltoall 4 255.27 254.77 1.002
>Alltoall 1M 1500884 856977 1.751
>NPB (Total Mflops/sec - higher is better)
>bt 3631.4 4800.8 0.756
>cg 313.15 1628.62 0.192
>ep 387.49 389.58 0.995
>ft 2643.3 3985.6 0.663
>is 61.29 168.56 0.364
>lu 8835.2 10306.5 0.857
>mg 1760.9 2913.8 0.604
>sp 1499.4 2377.4 0.631
>Applications (Jobs/day - higher is better)
>MM5 4.64 4.84 0.958
>Fluent fl5m3 475.8 499.3 0.953
>Fluent fl5l2 1122.1 1116.3 1.005
>Eclipse E100 100k 178.14 188.24 0.946
>Eclipse E100 1M 28.13 29.54 0.952
>Eclipse E300 100k 84.74 105.45 0.804
>Ls-dyna 44.7 44.49 1.005
>Powerflow 413.48 414.69 0.997
>StarCD Aclass 141.34 144.18 0.980
>StarCD Eng20 1367.09 1353.81 1.010
>StarCD large custom 40.13 39.76 1.009
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