[Beowulf] A Good Linux Distribution to Start with?
Sean Dilda
agrajag at dragaera.net
Fri Sep 10 08:08:50 PDT 2004
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 17:00, Dragovich, Jeff wrote:
> I am at the point in my beowulf cluster construction where I need to
> pick the Linux distribution to use. I have a small cluster (10 nodes,
> CISCO switch, a single control machine). The cluster will
> support parallelizing/benchmarking a finite element program using MPI.
> I am currently the only prospective user, and don't need sendmail and
> a bunch of that stuff. Just dev tools.
There are several cluster-in-a-box distros out there that other people
have mentioned. If you aren't using those, there are three important
questions you need to ask:
What distros am I most comfortable with?
What distros are my users most comfortable with?
Is there a kernel version (2.4 or 2.6) that I know won't work for me?
I think the decision should be based off of those answers. Most of the
hpc code will work no matter which distro you use.
I threw the kernel question in primarily because some kernel-based
things don't work with the 2.6 kernel yet. I'm thinking primarily of
Dell's OpenManage stuff, but there might be something else you're
interested in that's kernel-based, such as pvfs (no idea if it supports
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