[Beowulf] SLC3

Eray Ozkural exa at kablonet.com.tr
Wed Jun 16 18:50:54 PDT 2004

On Wednesday 16 June 2004 18:07, John Hearns wrote:
> Following on from the debate on a Fedora-based cluster distro,
> I note on the CERN webpages that there is a collaboration between
> CERN and Fermilab on SLC3 (Scientific Linux) based on RHEL 3
> Comments, thoughts on whether or not this would be a good basis
> for a cluster distro?
> (I'm just opening a debate, and hope to get some comments)

Yes, I have another question.

Which beowulf software solution makes it easiest to install a node from 
scratch? (Using magic floppy or netboot...) This is our most important 
criterion for a modest research cluster we will be soon building.

We were using debian (my favorite distro) and FAI, but I was *highly* 
disappointed with countless bugs, most of which we were able to correct, but 
in time, I think, we continually had to patch the system which was *not* a 
good thing. At the time, it doesn't work. I'd have to go in a painful bugfix 
mode to make it work again for our setup.

Ideally, we want nodes that will be used for parallel programming research. 
And if we want to upgrade the software (like MPI libs, c libs, etc.), we want 
to do it real fast.

What's the best bet?

Eray Ozkural (exa) <erayo at cs.bilkent.edu.tr>
Comp. Sci. Dept., Bilkent University, Ankara  KDE Project: http://www.kde.org
http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~erayo  Malfunction: http://malfunct.iuma.com
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