Jon "Maddog" Hall speaking to the BWBUG

Vann H. Walke walkev at
Wed Mar 19 10:07:06 PST 2003

Mark your calendars for the April 8th Baltimore Washington Beowulf Users
Meeting to be held in the new Northrop Grumman facility in McLean

Please join us for the talk, some refreshments and some excellent door
prizes. Please note that you must register on line at since space will be limited.

Date:     April 8, 2003
Time:     3pm (doors open at 2:15 for check-in and refreshments)
Speaker:  Jon "maddog" Hall. 
Topic:    "Beowulf: Standalone or part of a continuum?" 

Beowulf systems would be interesting just as they an
alternative to expensive supercomputers. However, when you start to
think of Beowulf systems as part of a continuum of computing, then
Beowulf systems become very, very interesting indeed. This talk will
address that concept. 

Jon "maddog" Hall has been in the computer field for over thirty years.
While he has spent twenty years with Unix and ten years with Linux, he
has also worked on wide variety of other operating systems and
architectures. He has been a programmer, systems administrator, quality
control engineer, product manager, technical marketing manager, and is
currently Executive Director of Linux International. He has been a
customer and a vendor, worked for small and large companies, and has
taught at the college level. He has his undergraduate degree in Commerce
and Engineering from Drexel University and his MSCS from RPI in Troy,
NY. maddog (first called that by his loving students) likes talking to
students, usually over a mug of beer and a pizza, but will substitute
other food for the pizza as the culture dictates. 

Location:  Northrop Grumman Offices at 7575 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA

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