Looking for remote file view utility

Jesse Becker jbecker at fryed.net
Wed Jan 8 13:18:26 PST 2003

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Don Holmgren wrote:

> Although I know there are probably as many home-grown cluster command
> dispatching utilities as there are clusters (or maybe that should be

Indeed there are...  I can think of at least two more:  pconsole and dsh 
(although neither looks as sophisticated as rgang).

pconsole actually takes the step of opening an xterm to all hosts you are 
connecting to--which is nice if you need to run a specific command on one 
host in the midst of distributing commands.  another nifty feature is that 
it binds directly to the pty devices, so you can attach existing sessions 
on the fly.

dsh is along more 'traditional' lines of distributed commands, but it is 
more advanced than a wrapper around 'ssh $node $cmd'.  It also has an 
'interactive mode', but doesn't open xterms.



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