disadvantages of linux cluster

Stephane Glockner glockner at enscpb.fr
Tue Nov 5 00:30:23 PST 2002


I work in a french university laboratory. We do massive Computational
Fluid Dynamics at present time on ORIGIN2000, IBM Regatta... The solution of 
a Beowulf cluster seems very interesting as regards as financial cost and 
We would like to use it in the following manner :
- multi users (around 10 or 15 users)
- multi single-processor, light and heavy applications (<=2Go of RAM)
- use of a parallel version of our application

I didn't see anywhere on the web disadvantages of such a solution. What are 
they ? Is it simple to administrate day after day ? Is it stable ? Does it 
support heavy load of users and applications as defined above ? Isn't it too 
much an experimental solution ?

Thanks for your responses

S. Glockner

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