gigabit ethernet card problems - smc9462TX

Alexis Zubrow azubrow at
Wed Mar 27 13:26:58 PST 2002


I'm a relative newbie to both linux and beowulf clusters.  I am starting
up a small beowulf cluster.  Until we get some more funding, I have two
dual processor computers connected with a crossover cable.  I'm using the
ns83820 driver in the 2.4.17 kernel.  I have not been able to get any real
connection between the two cards.  Any suggestions would be greatly

Dual AMD MP 1800+, Tyan S2460 mother board, SMC9462TX ethernet cards

-crossover cable is good
-if connect (with crossover cable) one of the cards to another
(non-gigabit card), it recognizes and correctly auto negotiates to the new
media speed.
-ping between two gigabit cards has 100% packet loss.

thanks for your help.

p.s.  I know this may be a bit too hardware specific for this group, but I
thought that this group would have the most experience with gigabit cards.

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