Tyan Tiger S2466N vs S2466N-4M

Ivan Oleynik oleynik at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Wed Jun 12 20:54:58 PDT 2002

I have heard from several sources that there are some problems with the
newest Tyan Tiger S2466N-4M that supports 4Mbit flash ROM, in Athlon
cluster environment. It is recommended to use older model S2466N in order
to avoid any problems in the future. I would be very much interested in
getting understanding is it really a big issue? Are there any specific
advantages to use S2466N-4M in spite of these problems?

Ivan Oleynik

Ivan I. Oleynik                       E-mail : oleynik at chuma.cas.usf.edu
Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue                  Tel : (813) 974-8186
Tampa, Florida 33620-5700                Fax : (813) 974-5813

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