OT:nfs hangs with redhat 7.3

David van der Spoel spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Sun Jul 28 11:50:27 PDT 2002

SOrry for being slightly off-topic

I have recently upgraded my cluster to redhat 7.3, we mount disks using
NFS and the am-utils package. I often experience hangs due to NFS
problems. (as in: NFS task 1111 couldn't get request slot). Only a hard
reset brings these machines back to life (and since I'm on vacation...)
What's worse, the server does the same thing...

Has anyone seen the same behavior and fixed it?

Groeten, David.
Dr. David van der Spoel, 	Biomedical center, Dept. of Biochemistry
Husargatan 3, Box 576,  	75123 Uppsala, Sweden
phone:	46 18 471 4205		fax: 46 18 511 755
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se	spoel at gromacs.org   http://zorn.bmc.uu.se/~spoel

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