HPL with MPIpro
Jan Vida
39359 at mail.muni.cz
Thu Feb 14 04:35:25 PST 2002
My job is atm to compare performance of various MPI implementations using the HPL, one of the
implementation being MPIpro. I have compiled the benchmark succesfully using mpicc as compiler and
g77 as linker, without any error messages. However when I try to run it, I get into trouble:
1) Trying GM as communitation medium, I get these error messages:
gm_open(PortA) failed
: busy
gm_open(PortA) failed
: busy
MPI/Pro: [3] MPI_Init: [Thread 1024] Communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD: 'Invalid communication medium (possible invalid value of MPI_COMM)'. (Abort)
MPI/Pro: [0] MPI_Init: [Thread 1024] Communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD: 'Invalid communication medium (possible invalid value of MPI_COMM)'. (Abort)
2) When I use TCP instead and set smp_enabled=0 in the mpirun script, I get no error messages and
everything sems to be OK - all processes are running and consuming 99% of the processor time, but
I never get any output and they never finish.
I use HPL 1.0, MPIpro 1.6.1, GM 1.4 and the ATLAS 3.2.1 libraries.
The other MPI implementations (LAM and MPIch over both ethernet and myrinet) run without trouble.
I'm aware this might be just a bug "between chair and keyboard", but could you please at least kick
me in the right direction? Thanks.
Jan Vida
xvida at mail.muni.cz
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