[Bioinformatics] Linux clusters article (fwd)

Eugene Leitl Eugene.Leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Mon Feb 11 01:20:19 PST 2002

-- Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2'' http://www.leitl.org
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 23:08:34 -0700
From: Nathan Torkington <gnat at oreilly.com>
To: bioinformatics at labs.oreilly.com
Subject: [Bioinformatics] Linux clusters article


(the article's in Drug Discovery Online, but the newsforge article
is less contaminated with session IDs)

"Linux clusters, which network multiple processors together to form a
unified and more powerful computing system, are becoming a major
technology in the bioinformatics industry. Universities, government
labs and commercial entities now boast Linux clusters of dozens, if
not hundreds of these processors or "nodes" for the explicit purpose
of gene sequencing, proteomic research, or drug discovery and


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