Looking for Image Processing Software

Beagley Robert J IHMD BeagleyRJ at ih.navy.mil
Fri Aug 30 05:47:05 PDT 2002


I've been a subscriber to the list for some time now, but am just beginning
to build my first cluster.  It will primarily be used to speed up
backprojections (3-D reconstructions of radiographic data sets) and other
various and sundry image processing work.  In the hopes of not having to
reinvent the wheel, I am searching for any parallel software that may
already exist to perform at least some of these functions (It would be great
to find something as advanced as IDL, the GIMP and ImageJ, but I have my
doubts).  Can you folks recommend any caches of software for beowulf
clusters stored online that I might check out?   

Robert Beagley 
NSWC Indian Head Div.
--If everything worked the way it's supposed to, most of us would be out of
a job.--

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