Burn-in Utilities

Peter Bowen pzb at datastacks.com
Wed Apr 24 09:59:34 PDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-04-24 at 10:45, Justin Nemmers wrote:
> All:
> 	I am in search of a utility that will allow me to burn-in a 
> new PC.  Ideally, it would peg the procs at 100% as well as exercise 
> the memory (as much as 2Gb/Node.  I know there is a Sun provided 
> utility to do this on Sparc systems, but does anyone have a 
> suggestion for a linux-based (perl would work, too) that will do the 
> same thing?

The best answer is cerberus.  VA Linux Systems wrote it for burn-in
testing their machines, and open sourced it for others to use.  Red Hat
is maintaining a version of it that probably will do many of the things
you want.

See http://people.redhat.com/bmatthews/cerberus and
http://sourceforge.net/projects/va-ctcs for more info.


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