Help on cluster hang problem...

Greg Lindahl lindahl at
Tue May 29 16:50:10 PDT 2001

On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:23:42AM -0500, Cris Rhea wrote:

> "Hard-hang" means nothing on console, disk light on solid, doesn't
> respond to reset or power switches- have to reset by pulling plug.

That's kind of weird. Now the "power switch" on modern systems is a
toggle switch that signals the power supply that you'd like it to
change state. If it's ignoring that, then I'd suspect you've got
something really wrong, along the lines of you don't have a power
supply that can supply peak need for the system under weird load.

You can test this by moving the power supply to a new node and see if
it does it there. Nasty work, yes, but it would prove the point.

Or, maybe I don't understand power switches and it actually is bios
catchable or something.

-- g

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