Intel is finally shipping the 64-bit Itanium

Bari Ari bari at
Sun May 27 14:57:48 PDT 2001

W Bauske wrote:

> Help me out. I look at the SPEC2000 results for MIPS R14K and it
> can't get to a P4 1.3Ghz level for either INT or FP. So, you're
> telling me I can buy a MIPS 500Mhz R14K for less than $185? 
We never considered the Mips R14K, even SGI is moving away from them.

> SPEC says you're incorrect on performance. I suspect your pricing is
> off also, at least for R14K's. So, that leaves heat/power consumption, 
> which I'd say is probably true.
> Something you may not take into account that at least matters in what
> I do is the raw performance per cpu. I prefer to have fewer high
> performance nodes than, say twice as many lower performance nodes.
> That can reduce the communication burden between nodes because you
> give each node a larger part of the problem to solve. Depends of
> course on your algorithm.
I agree. Some apps can get by just fine with 9600 baud between nodes and 
others 10Gbps is to slow. That's why we also work with x86. If Alphas 
start moving into .13um and the prices drop they will look interesting 

Bari Ari

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