VA - System Imager

JParker at JParker at
Thu May 10 09:02:15 PDT 2001

G'Day !

I am having problems with VA-SystemImager (ver 1.4.0).   It seems that I 
can not get my remote machine to retrieve the kernel and reboot as per 
step 6 and 7 of the HOWTO.

I do not have a floppy or cdrom attached to the machine, so I am using the 
rsync/updateclient -autoinstall method.

The problem is that when I try to run "updateclient -autoinstall -server 
bhead -c eth0" it crashes because it can not find the modules 
Getopt::Long, etc.  A quick search of the hard drive on the local node 
confirms it is not a part of the standard Perl-5.005 debian package, but 
it is located on my head server bhead.

I believe the cause of my confusion may be the documentation.  As I read 
step 6, where you prepare the boot media, the example on how to prepare a 
remote machine's local hd is exactly the same as the instructions for step 
7, where the actually transfer of the image takes place.

Do you need to "compile" the perl script on the headnode prior to 
transfering to the remote machine ?  If so what is the command to do this 

BTW, all my remote nodes have a base Debian install with basic networking 

Another question.  During the step 5, I did not have systemImager write to 
the /etc/hosts file.  All my nodes already have the correct network 
settings.  Is this a problem ? 

Jim Parker

Sailboat racing is not a matter of life and death ....  It is far more 
important than that !!!
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