3CSOHO100-TX problem

Ben DeLong ben.delong at dnamerican.com
Wed Jun 20 16:39:34 PDT 2001

Hello all,

I'm going crazy here because I know I have seen the answer to this 
question on this list before but I can't seem to find it.  :(

I am using 3COM 3cSOHO100-TX network cards to build a small test 
cluster.  When I power my nodes on, my network switch indicates a 100Mb 
connection to the cards.  However when the network connections are 
activated in the boot sequence, the light on the switch changes to 
indicate a 10Mb connection.  What needs to be done in order to run the 
network at 100Mb?

If someone has the answer to this or can point me to the appropriate 
thread I would appreciate it.


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