beowulf cluster configuration.

Thara Angskun g4265087 at
Sat Jul 21 06:17:25 PDT 2001


We have tools to automatically build  a diskless clusters for you. please look at SCE project.


---- Original Message ----- 
  From: Archana Mallajosyula 
  To: beowulf at 
  Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2001 7:27 PM
  Subject: beowulf cluster configuration.

  Hi All,

  I have a query regarding establishing a Beowulf cluster.

  My company wants to create a cluster using a set of PCs. I am new to this project, and from what I've seen so far, we need to configure one of the PCs as a Front-end and the rest work in a client capacity. correct me if I am wrong.

  Now assuming the above architecture, I need to know, will we need Linux(RedHat,SuSe,etc) installed on all our PCs in the cluster or is it sufficient to install it on the main (front end) machine. Also, how does Beowulf work? Do we need to install a RedHat/Suse version of Linux (which Beowulf will perform kernel modifcations on)or does Beowulf have its own Linux that can be installed?

  I hope to get some replies soon, as I am really struggling to find these answers. I have just subscribed to the group, so please point out if this issue has previously been addressed.

  Thanks in advance,
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