Porting from a Cray.

Jean-Marie Teuler teuler at virgo.infn.it
Fri Jul 13 06:20:59 PDT 2001


As for replacing the Fourier Transform calls from the libsci, you can use a
library which I have written when I was at Idris and which is a plug-in
replacement for these calls.

You can find it at the following URLs
"http://www.idris.fr/data/publications/JMFFT/jmfft-7.2.tar.gz" (a Fortran 90
version) and "http://www.idris.fr/data/publications/JMFFT/jmfftc-1.0.tar.gz" (a
C version).

If you choose to build the C library, and if you call it from a Fortran program,
you will most probably run into the usual interface problems between Fortran and
C. They can be solved very simply by changing the "#define" statements in the
file "jmfftf2c.c".

There is a Web page at "http://www.idris.fr/data/publications/JMFFT/".
Unfortunately, it is in French!


Jean-Marie Teuler

: Jean-Marie Teuler              :                             :
: Virgo Project                  : Phone: (39) 050 752 528     :
: Traversa H di via Macerata     : Fax  : (39) 050 752 550     :
: 56021 Santo Stefano a Macerata : Email: teuler at virgo.infn.it :
: Cascina (Pisa)                 : Web  : www.virgo.infn.it    : 
: Italy                          :                             :

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