NIC to avoid...?

Bogdan Costescu bogdan.costescu at
Tue Aug 28 10:40:36 PDT 2001

On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Michael Sowka wrote:

> concerning the 10/100 NIC card (read: that's the card I plan on using :( ):
> What exactly does that mean... should I stay away from this NIC...

Please notice that the card is called 905-CX (notice the X after C). This
is a new "generation" that had this problem, undocumented by 3Com until
now (they exist for about a year now). The driver in 2.2.19 and around
2.4.3 has a fix (Don might say "workaround") which works 100% (or let's
say that after this was introduced no more complaints came). There was
also a problem with (mis)identifying the MII, but this was also solved.
However, CX cards seem not to be very wide-spread. Most people can get
905-C (notice that there's no X after C) - these cards also work very

Side note: "naming conventions" from 3Com are something like:

C or CX	- type of the card
TX	- 100BaseT
M or NM	- managed or not (a.k.a. includes boot ROM).

Side note 2: it might be the third time that I'm posting the info about
C-CX differences. Aren't today people able to use search engines ?


Bogdan Costescu

IWR - Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Universitaet Heidelberg, INF 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Telephone: +49 6221 54 8869, Telefax: +49 6221 54 8868
E-mail: Bogdan.Costescu at IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De

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