Channel-bonding progress

Mike Weller weller at
Tue Aug 7 16:46:38 PDT 2001


I think I managed to solve the problem.  I noticed that in 
my "ifconfig" output, there's a lot of "overruns" packets reported.

Also, someone mentioned the possibility of it not arp'ing through

I did 2 things. I'm not sure what works yet, but here are my
preliminary results.  I can achieve 180-200Mbps in bonding mode if I
change the MTU packet size from 1500 to 1200.  I also removed the eth1
and eth0 entries in the routing table to ensure that it uses bond0.
I'm going to install a better bandwidth benchmark and possibly search
for the optimal MTU size and post the results.  Here's the script that
I used to get the 180-200Mbps with FTP:

#!/bin/csh -f
insmod bonding
ifconfig bond0 down
ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth1 down
ifconfig bond0 inet netmask
ifconfig bond0 up
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth1 up
ifenslave bond0 eth0
ifenslave bond0 eth1
route  del -net netmask eth0
route  del -net netmask eth1
ifconfig eth0 mtu 1200
ifconfig eth1 mtu 1200
ifconfig bond0 mtu 1200

Michael J. Weller, M.Sc.               office: (972) 235-7881 x.242
weller at                         cell: (214) 616-6340
Zyvex Corp., 1321 N Plano           facsimile: (972) 235-7882    
Richardson, TX 75081                      icq: 6180540

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