gcc and alphalinux

Tenhave, Tim Tim.Tenhave at compaq.com
Thu May 25 13:36:00 PDT 2000

Hi John,

I am a Compaq employee and don't want to muddy this very valid question.  I
believe both operating systems have their rightful place in parallel
computing.  It really depends on the problem you want to solve and the
application you use (or build) to solve it.  There is more to solving a
problem than just the compiler.  Issues around other services,
interconnects, resource management also may dictate one OS over the other.

Note: I have heard very good news in general with the CPQ Linux ccc

Can someone (outside CPQ) please respond...Greg, are you out there?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Burton [mailto:j.c.burton at gats-inc.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 4:24 PM
To: Tenhave, Tim
Cc: 'Mathew Lee'; beowulf at beowulf.org
Subject: Re: gcc and alphalinux

Just out of curiousity, has anyone used the Compaq Alpha compilers for
Linux, and if so how do they compare with gcc, and Ture Unix64. I'm
currently setting up an ev-6 Alpha based cluster for some Atmospheric
Radiance codes and would like to know which way I should go...


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